Seraphiel (Hebrew שׂרפיאל) is the name of an angel in the apocryphal book of Enoch. Protector of Metatron, Seraphiel holds the highest rank of the Seraphim with the following directly below him, Jehoel. In some texts, he is referred to as the Angel of Silence. Eponymously named as chief of the Seraphim, one of several for whom this office is claimed, Seraphiel is one of eight judge angels and a prince of the Merakabah. In Enoch, Seraphiel is described as an enormous, brilliant angel as tall as the seven heavens with a face like the face of angels and a body like the body of eagles. He is beautiful like lightning and the light of the morning star. As chief of the seraphim, he is committed to their care and teaches them songs to sing for the glorification of God. In magical lore, Seraphiel is one of the rulers of Tuesday and also the planet Mercury. He is invoked from the North.
My blog is about all things that I love, that are part of me and part of my life. This is the secret and not so secret world of a woman who wanted to share her dreams and visions with the rest....
pátek 7. října 2011
My Guardian angel
I never believed in fairies or angels, or never thought more of them, but somehow I always thought that there must have been some guardian who watched over my life. Would I imagine him looking as a normal person or an angel, I can´t say, but going through certain things in my life made me realize there was and still is some higher presence watching over me. Back in 2002 I´ve read a book about angels, and there was a chapter by which you were supposed to relax and think of your guardian angel´s name. I knew honestly nothing about it and never knew any particular celestial names, so it was a big surprise when a name suddenly popped up in my head and offered itself as if being dictated by someone else. The name Seraphiel run through my mind for few seconds. I tried to remember the incoherent sound of it, the weird combination of letters that I never heard said out loud before. As weird as the name sounded, I didn´t doubt for a split of second that the name existed. I knew then and there, this name was my guardian angel´s name, I was sure nobody has such peculiar name, not a single person in a whole wide world. I was quite pleased with it too, it sounded so noble and exotic even. So there he was, my angel in his shining armour. I imagined him straight away, young and strong, and handsome! Well get to the point. I started using this name quite frequently and also as my nickname. It never stroke me odd to doubt its place in the world, in my world. But few years later I browsed through several web sites and had the instant idea to look up Seraphiel on it. Not only did he exist, he was a well recognized angel from Kabala, the old scripts....
Hello. I normally don't put myself on the spot light. But, I have been instinctively drawn to speak to you. I myself went into deep meditation because I wanted to know my souls name, who I was before having a earthly existence. I was told my name is Seraphiel. I know it seems insane, but like I said I went with my heart and messaged you. I truly believe I was put here to help and support people the best I possibly can. I also want to make our world better one small step at a time. I know I'm a woman and Seraphiel has been depicted as male. But, angels are pure light, androgynous, or they appear to the person in a way that won't frighten them. I believe 100% that this is who I am spiritually because I was skeptical at first. But, the name would always come back to me one way or another and I have these reacuring dreams where I am working with the Archangel Michael and I am called Seraphiel in these dreams.
OdpovědětVymazatI know I probably just put myself under a spot light and I will probably be judged. But, I don't care. My gut and heart said you needed someone to talk to. So, I only wish to help you and possibly be a good friend to you.
Take care of yourself, be safe and always find a reason to stay positive �� wishing you well and sending positive energy!
Oh and my email i think it will be the best form of communication for now :)
Odpovědě Hello, I stumbled on this web page, And well, I know what your experience, Well as much as what can be known, I'd be happy to share my insight with you, kind regards Beau, Just email me here,