My blog is about all things that I love, that are part of me and part of my life. This is the secret and not so secret world of a woman who wanted to share her dreams and visions with the rest....
pátek 27. října 2017
Meet Peter - the "NOT BROKEN MAN"
So I found him through a facebook. One of my friends advertised it and was looking for people to get involved. His name was Peter, a 73 year old man, who was selling magazines in the streets of Prague. I immediately felt sorry for this guy. He seemed to be so friendly and nice in his videos, yet you could see how much he is struggling. I decided something must be done about it. He said, he was living currently with another two guys in one room of an ubication. These two guys were lot younger, a heavy smokers, who kept playing the radio all night and banging the door whenever they left the room for a cigarette. That all kept him awake as you may imagine. He is an old man, who needs his privacy and quiet. He was very nice about all this, not REALLY complaining, but you could see how much he would just prefer to live some place quieter. He said even a tiny room would be fine, just about anywhere. A girl called Veronika noticed him as first, and she documented all this, taking an interview with him, and bringing some people from the magazine, to video them together. There were many people coming to him ever since, bringing him food, some clothes, spare change or just simply byuing his magazine. However, the main problem for him was still the acommodation and also, when we were looking for something more suitable, all the advertisments allowed only young people, girls or the rent was astronomical. He could only afford 4000 CZK max per month, as his retirement money was just the minimum, laughable 6000 CZK. When you imagine you should survive one month on 2000 CZK, it´s unimaginable. You would not be able to buy anything else. No clothes, no hygienic supplies, no medicine. That´s why I set up a foundation to raise some money. So far, in one day, I collected 1,100 CZK and I intend to raise much more, to have this money for Peter when he needs them. This way I would like to ask all my readers and visitors to this page, from wherever you are, if you could please support me in this matter. Here is the link:
we will be grateful for even the smallest help. I went to see him today. Me and my boyfriend brought him a bag full of clothes, bed covers, some books, coffee maker and jar of homemade coffee, flask for hot drinks and some money and meal vouchers. You should have seen his face. He could not believe it, and was in a state of shock for few minutes, then he covered his face and started crying. I have never seen such an emotional thing in my whole life. He kept thanking me and to God. He said "I have nothing to give you back, and you brought me so many things", so he gave me copy of his magazine which I took as a keepsake. I told him that if the Czech government can´t take care of him, we, people, will. I said, we won´t let him down. And I told him I will come back, as I will have some more support for him. He wasn´t able to speak, so much he was taken aback by all this. Poor man. We said goodbye and parted, me feeling shaken by this experience. At home, when I chatted to one of his magazine staff helpers, I was told that Peter had a very rough life. He lost his only son due to a car acccident and broke down for this. he got up again, but that´s probably why he is such a person now, giving people pleasure to be around him. His aura of goodness is very strong and inspiring. I hope we can make his life a little better, day by day, and erase sorrow from maybe more such man´s lives too. You say...."but it´s just one of the billion"...I what. Start with one and then carry on. Good things will start to happen. Believe in humanity and humanity will join you. At least we know, we are still human, when we feel for such people.
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