pondělí 22. dubna 2024


In July of the last year my publisher has announced the arrival of my book titled 'The Full Circle.' This book has been groundbreaking for me in a sense that no one can imagine. I have been itching to write my story for many years, but there seemed to be no end to it, the stories kept pilling up year by year and for the story to be complete, I needed to wait until the time was ripe. 

There never seems to be a proper time to write a book. It is a painstaking process to sit down and start a story from a scratch. In my case, however, the story, the plot, the characters, they all seemed to be already existent at the back of my mind.  The words kept pouring in and the plot seemed to come in abundant waves each morning. I felt the story should be kept as raw and untouched by corrections as possible, as it all came out by pure inspiration, through process of intuitive writing. I had no notes, no character structures, I had no idea what it will be about and where the story will lead me with each scenario. A little bit weird, unprofessional approach, I admit. But I could not, would not, like anything or anyone to interefere with the story itself. I know this book is not perfect, but it's my story that I have lived through and have been ultimately for past 33 years. If you are ROCK music lover, you might as well read it, because it is FOR YOU.

This one is a composition of my personal experience as well as dreams that followed, it is about spiritual journey and special encounters that border with other worlds. It is about events that are connected like a tiny dots on the final map of our life, but we can see the picture only when it is finished. Life surely compiles of little miracles and it is up to us to recognize them for what they are. 

When she was 15, she made a special wish. She asked the soul of a deceased rock star, whom she adored, to arrange for her to meet the people he loved the most. Several years later strange things started happening in her life. Three people in three years. Three signs of love.

Sara and Mark. Two people living in a different country, speaking different languages, occupying a different world. He, a successful Viennese director, teamed up with jealous assistant Elke, insecure Mike, and James, who likes his bottle of Scotch.

On the other hand, Sara, a woman of no obvious importance, lives an uneventful life within a dysfunctional relationship, whose only pleasure is her little daughter Francesca. When she undergoes an adventurous journey that reconnects her with a long-lost relative and learns new facts about her own family, it seems to be more than she asked for. Just when she thought that the circle was full, life will bring her unexpected surprises, revelations, and new meaning to everything.

For purchase, you can go directly to :   https://www.austinmacauley.com/us/book/full-circle?utm_source=DMT+Social+Posts&utm_medium=Social+Posts+US&utm_campaign=Social+Posts+US&utm_id=DMT+Social+Media

or :  https://www.amazon.com/Full-Circle-Teri-Vinopal/dp/1647506883/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2PMI5RDDF2HWG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.xrivux6vuRQU7CVN3lSZOw.CLjDNwYVCkoOLSUSTtK-7JrqF0zjfmECgVgLUAH9rk4&dib_tag=se&keywords=teri+vinopal&qid=1713790058&s=books&sprefix=teri+vinopal%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C372&sr=1-1

or: https://www.amazon.com/Full-Circle-Inspired-True-Events-ebook/dp/B0C6M28ZP7/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2PMI5RDDF2HWG&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.XHJQQQN_HxBIuO9Ds2xeMg.QLrhcRhq3yV_Q6CGiFHrko0zUuFE6bclI5EweRkdFEc&dib_tag=se&keywords=teri+vinopal&qid=1713790124&s=books&sprefix=teri+vinopal%2Cstripbooks-intl-ship%2C372&sr=1-1-catcorr

with my love, as always, yours Teri 

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